
Janis Bowekaty
I have over 18 years in education, most of those years are in the classroom. I have also served as a Teacher, Dean of Students, Assistant Principal, and my current role as Principal. I strongly believe in creating an educational atmosphere that is conscious of student needs. I look forward to interacting with you all this school year! Elahkwa!
Florence Acque
Assistant Principal
Keshhi! Ho' Florence Acque le'shina.
In my 40 years of working in the field of education, I have worked in the capacities of an educational assistant, a teacher, an administrator and am currently the Assistant Principal at Shiwi Ts'ana Elementary School. We are working diligently to provide a quality education for our students and we hope to create partnerships with families to make this a successful endeavor. I am also the district's Bilingual Multicultural Program Coordinator. We have taken a different approach to our Zuni language instruction that is focused on oral teachings. The administration team at STE welcomes you to be an active participant in your child's education and we thank you for providing us the opportunity to teach them.
Elahkwa! I look forward to working with you to make this a fantastic place for your child's education.
Janis Bowekaty
Florence Acque
Assistant Principal
Georgette Quandelacy
Administrative Assistant
38 Highway 301 North
P.O. Drawer D
Zuni, New Mexico 87327
Ph: (505) 782-4441
Ph: (505) 782-4442
Ph: (505) 782-4443
Ph: (505) 782-4444
Fx: (505) 782-2600
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
8:00 am - 2:45 pm